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Client Journeys

Financial Planning helps make dreams come true. As a financial advisor, I can say that until I’m blue in the face and most people won’t believe it. The best way to demonstrate the power that financial planning has is for our clients to share their journeys and the experiences that they’ve been able to have because they found financial planning. Whether you work with us or work with someone else, financial planning helps you make good financial decisions, keeps you from making costly mistakes, and helps you feel comfortable in taking each step of your journey with sound knowledge of the financial foundation supporting you.

Here are their stories:


Don and Kathy


We started working with a professional financial planner after attending a seminar in 1999.  Retirement was still several years off, but it was time for us to get serious about it.  We felt it was important to find a financial planner who had a philosophy that closely mirrored our own.  With the help and guidance provided by the financial planning process, we have been able to realize our dreams and to retire when we wanted.  Kathy is passionate about quilting and we both love boating.  With careful planning, Kathy was able to get a long arm quilting machine that pretty much filled a room.


We were able to buy the boats we wanted – a total of three boats at different times throughout our journey; and that was before we retired!  With everything we were able to enjoy before retirement, we were still able to retire when we wanted and comfortably.  We retired with no home mortgage and continue to enjoy that status even with moving to a new state and in a new residence a couple years ago.  We have no worries about outliving our funds.  We value the knowledge we have gained through financial planning to make better financial decisions so much, that we have already gotten our children on the financial planning path so that they can begin to enjoy their journey much sooner than we did.


Mark and Dru


Like many people, our first relationship with a financial advisor involved the need to update life insurance. Our relationship expanded to include help with our portfolio and some other goals, but there were some limits to what an insurance-based firm could do.  We transitioned to an independent and more comprehensive financial planning firm and have found the experience much more satisfying.  We appreciate the personal and professional attention. This is true for my wife Dru and myself as well as our three daughters.  We have worked in our careers for a Fortune 500 corporation and comprehensive financial planning was needed to help us with all of the different facets of investment and retirement planning.  Over the years, we have moved from Cincinnati to Minneapolis to our final home in


North Myrtle Beach, SC. The help of a comprehensive financial planner has helped us in dealing with the changes in home buying and tax laws each time.  Dru, continues to work full time for the corporation. I retired from the corporation after 38 years, and I am now working in my second career in real estate.  With the help of financial planning, we feel very secure that we will be totally prepared to step into full retirement at any time.  We appreciate the guidance and advice that financial planning affords in meeting our financial goals and helping us as we prepare for the future.



With careful financial planning, your financial future could be better than expected.